I Found It! The Perfect Christmas Song for This Year
With all the horrible stuff we're being bombarded with, I found something that is a true breath of fresh air. A sweet, funny Christmas song that is so today, yet it's traditional.
A friend called my attention to this on Facebook. I guess it's been out a couple of years. It's acapella group Straight, No Chaser (who have performed here in the past) and actress/singer Kristen Bell, singing "Text Me Merry Christmas".
As it seems like everybody texts now, close you texting app and take a look at this. It's sweet.
(StraightNoChaser via YouTube)
Straight No Chaser started out at Indiana University twenty years ago, in 1996. As members graduated, new students joined. But the original line up has reunited a few times.
The current Straight No Chaser is in Grand Rapids on Friday, Nov. 25th. There aren't a lot of tickets left.
Now if you're saying you don't know Straight, No Chaser, you might remember this, what we now call Mash Up, a few years ago.
(Randy of StraightNoChaser via YouTube)
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