How to Know a Guy is Interested When He’s Texting You
So a guy has started texting you. Here's how to now that a guy is really interested.
A new survey found five stats about the way single guys text, and maybe they'll help you figure out whether a guy is interested or not. Check 'em out...
1. Three-quarters of guys will text you within a few days of getting your number. 25% will send a message that night, 48% do it within one or two days and 4% do it right away to make sure you didn't give them a fake number (kinda creepy).
2. 90% will text you within two days of a first date if it went well.
3. 91% say they were confused about what a woman meant in one of her texts in just the past week.
4. If a guy uses EMOJI, it probably means he likes you. 67% of men who don't normally use them will drop them in texts to a woman they're interested in.
5. 55% of guys won't send a second text if their first text doesn't get a response.
Here are the top reasons they don't respond...
1. 52% are busy with something, (work, meetings, etc.)
2. 33% don't have their phone with them or are out of battery/service
3. 5% just don't feel like it but will never tell you that
4. 10% are waiting on a good time to text back
It's so hard to wait around for a guy to text you back. My advice is stay calm and don't over-think and fear the worst. It'll send him running and you on a crazy downward spiral of self-doubt, insecurity, and confusion. Just try to keep this list in mind when you have questions about whether he's interested or not and save yourself some worry. If you MUST...here's a quiz you can take.
BONUS VIDEO - Marriage Proposal Fail
Marriage proposal gone wrong in front of crowd at Taste and Brew of Kalamazoo.
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