23 Animals on the Verge of Extinction in Michigan
The animals on Michigan's endangered species list are heartbreaking.
It's difficult to fathom the gravity of an animal going extinct. That fact that all of the cougars in Michigan could be gone forever is shocking, to say the least. There are currently 23 animals which include mammals, birds, and fish that are on the endangered list according to Michigan.gov.

23 Animals on the Verge of Extinction in Michigan
Barn Owl also known as Tyto Alba, unfortunately, is no stranger to the endangered list.
Channel Darters a.k.a. Percina Copelandi are endangered fish in Michigan;
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Cougars are also known by their scientific name Felis Concolor. Hard to believe the gorgeous animals are still on this list.
Henslow’s Sparrows also goes by the scientific name Centronyx Henslowii.
Indiana Bats a.k.a. Myotis Sodalis have been on the endangered list for a while now.
King Rails also known as Rallus elegans are also still at risk in Michigan.
Long-eared Owls also known as the Asio otus were uplisted from the "threatened" category in 2022 to endangered in March of 2023.
Lynx remains on the endangered list in Michigan. If beauty could protect these majestic animals they wouldn't be on this list.
Migrant Loggerhead Shrike also known as Lanius ludovicianus migrans remains on Michigan's endangered list.
Mooneye also goes by the scientific name Hiodon Tergisus. The Mooneye was on the threatened list in 2022 but was recently uplisted to endangered in Michigan.
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Northern Madtom is a fish that has held on for a few years now on the endangered list.
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Piping Plover is a little cutie that remains close to extinction.
Prairie Vole These little cuties could be found all over the state of Michigan at one point. Now, they are close to vanishing.
Pugnose Minnow - Opsopoeodus emiliae
Pugnose Shiner a.k.a. Notropis anogenus
Redside Dace - Clinostomus elongatus
River Darter - Percina shumardi
(not pictured)
Sauger was on the 'threatened' list just a year ago but has unfortunately moved to the endangered list this year.
Short-eared Owls - Asio Flammeus
Shortjaw Cisco is a small fish that just moved from threatened to endangered.
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Silver Shiner - Notropis Photogenis
Southern Redbelly Dace - Notropis photogenis
Western Creek Chubsuckers - Erimyzon Oblongus is not just a fish in danger of being bullied in a school of fish for having a funny name...but they are also on the endangered list in Michigan.
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You can check out the full list of animals, plants, and insects that are endangered or threatened by clicking here.
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Gallery Credit: Wikipedia
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