The Bachelor aired its second Season 21 episode last night (January 10), and one contestant whose intro segment alone screamed "red flag!" rose to prominence as the season's biggest villain so far: Corinne Olympios, a 24-year-old self-described "serious businesswoman" who arrived at the Bachelor Mansion with locked-and-loaded one liners such as "My heart is gold, but my vagine is platinum." Corinne's entertaining reign of terror continued in Episode 2, proving she is indeed this season's Olivia — perhaps even this season's Chad Johnson, minus all the hulking menace.

Corinne, who from the outset has intermittently referred to herself in the third person and proudly announced that she's still looked after by her childhood nanny, once again proved a fount of quotes during the first group date. The outing was wedding-themed (aka already engineered to be as awkward as the very concept of a "group date" is), and Corinne served small, sniping remarks like "I would have been better for that outfit," took her top off, and proceeded to further anger her competitors by winning. And that was before her drunken babbling started.

There's been 20 seasons of the ABC franchise, so it's clear that Corinne knows exactly what show she's on and what she's doing: She even made sure to snag the very first kiss of the season, though Nick said he didn't feel "totally comfortable" during it. Corinne's parents, who own the epoxy coating and flooring supplier business she does sales for, even applaud her strategy according to TMZ — Twitter, however, had plenty to say about Corinne's Bachelor behavior last night. Check out the funniest reactions to Corinne Olympios' antics below — including thoughts from fellow Bachelor franchise alums like Catherine Giudici Lowe and Vinny Ventiera.

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