5 Things Everyone From Dowagiac Knows
Our 'Small Michigan Town Series' makes a stop between Decatur and Niles this week landing in Dowagiac.
Dowagiac has an estimated 5,826 residents according wikipedia. This small town with a gorgeous downtown area once had brick streets and is known for their historic Round Oak Stove Company in the 1800's.
Here are 5 things everyone from Dowagiac knows.
#5. Zeke's Food and Foam
Zeke's has been a part of the fabric of Dowagiac for a long as anyone can remember.
#4. Caruso's Candy & Soda Shop
The growing theme in the story of Dowagiac is history. Caruso's is a big part of that according to their facebook page,
Caruso's Candy and Soda Shop is Family Owned and operated for over 95 years. A visit to Caruso's is like stepping back in time.
#3. 5 Mile Drive-In Theater
If you live anywhere near Dowagiac you've been here. This classic drive-in movie theater was build in 1961 and holds up to 500 car loads of movie goers.
#2. Twistee's Soft Serve Ice Cream
I'm pretty sure Twistee's has been a part of Dowagiac for at least 30 years. I do know for sure that people love it.
#1. Ramona Roller Rink
Talk about history! Ramona's was built in 1928 as a dance hall then became a roller rink in 1950 according to their website,
It was built by the first owners the Adams brothers. All the big bands played here like George Jones and the nine Hawkeyes, Stan Norris and Orchestra, and Jack Windel and his famous orchestra. The average admission cost at this time was $.10 - $.25.
I spent MANY weekends at Ramona's in the late 80's and early 90's.
Did we miss your favorite thing about Dowagiac? Let us know in the comments below.