This Monday Is The Last Day To Register to Vote by Mail or Online
The City of Kalamazoo sent out the announcement, but it applies to all Michigan residents. And what you need to know is, the last day for Michigan residents to register to vote by mail or online, thus being able able to vote in next month's election, is this coming Monday, October 19th. After that, beginning on Tuesday, October 20th, all Michigan residents will only be allowed to register in-person. And specific to Kalamazoo, they only will be able to register at the City Clerk’s Office, to be able to vote on November 3rd.
With all the publicity directed to registering and voting in this year's election, it's hard to believe anyone would have forgotten or such, but here's a recap of what available in Kalamazoo. (If you live elsewhere, your local city clerk, or county clerk's office can supply you with similar options and information.)
To vote by mail or online, this is what you have to do to register: Go to the City Clerk's office or the newly set up branch at WMU's Bernhard Center. They'll both be open from 9am – 9pm on Monday (October 19th). Or, register by mail. You'll have to get a Voter Registration Application and then mail it (it has to be postmarked by Oct. 19th) or deliver it to the City Clerk’s Office. Or, finally, you can register online, at www.michigan.gov/vote. If you go that route, you have to have a driver’s license or state ID.
As far as locations to drop off early ballots, you can find a list here.

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