Suit with City of Battle Creek Continues after Binder Building Owner’s Death
The saga between the City of Battle Creek and the owner of the downtown Binder Building continues despite the owner's death.
(The above photo shows a side-by-side before and after of the property)

Bryant DeBolt was found dead in Gougac Lake, near his home, late last week. The ongoing suit between the 82-year-old and the City of Battle Creek will continue despite the most recent development, according to the Battle Creek Enquirer.
The Binder Building, located at 34 West Michigan Avenue, was demolished in December of 2020. The decision was made after portions of the structure became crumbling the city deemed the 120-year-old property to be collapsing.
Then the city sued DeBolt for nearly $355,000 to cover the cost of demolition. A Calhoun County District Court judge in early September 2021 ordered DeBolt to pay the bill or forfeit four of his properties including his personal home.
The suit by the city was against the Bryant C. DeBolt Revocable Trust with DeBolt and his longtime companion Julyette Jacobs as trustees. The attorney for the trust and DeBolt said he had filed an appeal earlier this with the Court of Appeals attempting to overturn the judge's decision.
Battle Creek City Attorney Jill Steele told the Battle Creek Enquirer on Thursday that the city will be "looking at it to make sure proper steps have been taken now that the beneficiary of the trust has died."
SEE MORE: Battle Creek's Historic Binder Building Site, Before and After.
There have been many changes to Battle Creek's downtown area over the years. Scroll down to see the history in photos of one of those buildings.
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