Michigan Woman Suing Musician For Injuries During Concert
A woman who attended a show at the Crofoot Ballroom in Pontiac, MI is suing a member of the metal band "Every Time I Die". WXYZ is reporting that during the show Guitarist Jordan Buckley leaped from the stage and landed directly on the victim, Tonya Ross' head.
Ross stated that his intent to jump into the crowd was unknown to her and that because of the stunt, she is now forced to go to physical therapy as well as various medical appointments after receiving a concussion and fractured neck.
I've seen this band before and their shows can get pretty out of hand. Personally, this is why I no longer get in the "mosh pit" area of shows like this. I'm the old guy hanging back at the bar.
Some crowd members feel the guitarist is not to blame. Nikki Helzer, who was also at the show and told me over Facebook that Ross needed to be responsible for her decision to be in the mosh area:
I was standing right behind that chick. I got the head of his guitar to my face. She was one of the a------ that was acting like she owned the barricade. Like it was their safe place.
Brent Gonzales also feels that at a show like this, one should be held responsible for themselves:
They need some fine print written in tickets protecting musicians from this sort of thing. Or even a [big sign] stating how it is at these types of shows. If you're going to attend a show and be near the pit or in the front, you're assuming the risk that comes with it.
I personally think you have to be smart at shows like this. I can't even tell you how many times i got a kick to the face or squashed at shows. But that's what happens when you put yourself in the setting for that to happen. Stay safe out there.
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