At some point, when words like billions and trillions are being tossed around in relation to global pandemic, and the economic hardship and disruption it's causing, those words being to lose their meaning and power. But take a look at it. $315,183,795. That's a lot of money.

But is it enough? That amount, $315,183,795, is the amount of new money the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is giving the state of Michigan to "support" Covid-19 testing.

But if you read the statement, it's really sound strange.

"This funding from the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act will provide critical support to develop, purchase, administer, process, and analyze COVID-19 tests, conduct surveillance, trace contacts, and related activities." - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The stated goal is help "re-open America", and I get the medical part. We're looking to test people and if we identify ones who are potentially sick, then, get them medical care.

Maybe it's semantics, but "conduct surveillance, trace contacts and related activities? I get the tracing contacts, to make sure to check anyone who had contact with anyone testing positive, but conducting surveillance? We're going to spy on people?

But, back to the announcement, where the CDC Director, a Dr. Robert Redfield, says, testing is still critical. And continued vigilance, as he promotes "powerful public health measures – social distancing, hand washing and face coverings. We are not defenseless in the battle against this pandemic.”

One last thing that stands out, is that this money is through the end of the year, a reminder that our lives are not going to be back to "normal" anytime soon.

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