Kalamazoo Promise Unveils New Branding, With More Growth Ahead
The Kalamazoo Promise has unveiled a new slogan and logo as part a re-branding effort.
“We are very excited to reveal our new look,” said Bob Jorth, Executive Director of The Kalamazoo Promise. “The updated tagline, logo, and website are helping usher us into a new era of The Promise, with an emphasis on each student’s path to their Promise, and we’re confident that the changes ahead will benefit our community.” - Kalamazoo Promise release
The new branding appears to be ahead of promised growth and expansion in the 13 year old foundation, rather than just a fresh "coat of paint."
Aside from the new branding, The Promise is announcing a move to a yet to be disclosed new location to happen in the summer of 2020.. That move will allow new programming and expanded community support.
“We want the new building to be a hub for all Promise students anytime during their journey, whether they have questions, need support, or just a place to study. Plans for the new building and programming include both the addition of new staff serving as Pathway Coaches and a student center for academic assistance and resources to help students transition from high school to post-secondary education. The new multi-tenant location will also include spaces where students can intentionally cross paths with professionals, giving them the opportunity to witness a variety of available career paths. - Von Washington, Jr., Executive Director of Community Relations