Victor Williams a TV reporter for WDIV Local 4 in Detroit casually went viral for his impressive skateboarding skills during a live report about free skateboarding lessons happening at a new skatepark in Detroit.

Victor was at Chandler Park doing an update on the new skatepark that was being built and shared some info about a man named Mr. Premium that was giving out free skateboarding lessons to kids.

Mr. Premium said that skateboarding has given him Therapy, it's given him exercise and it's given him confidence. And that he wants to share that with the kids and keep them safe. He remembers growing up not having skateparks like Chandler Park and that parents back then didn't have the money to spend on a $100 skateboard.

Mr. Preimum is using skateboarding principles and applying them to real-life for the kids. For example, he asks them "If you fall down while skateboarding or in real life are you going to get back up or are you going to let it defeat you?"

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And thanks to a community organization called Community Push that was created by Derrick Dykas, Mr. Preimum is able to give kids in need skateboards so they can have the same opportunity to learn and have fun.

As Victor wrapped up his live tv report he hopped on a skateboard and went up and down the skatepark talking about how Mr. Preimum will be giving out free skateboarding lessons every Monday and Wednesday to offer free lessons.

Victor left his coworkers and viewers tongue-tied as he effortlessly pulled off the coo moves.

People were so impressed with Victor's skills that they offered him free food and drinks

This is the coolest thing I've ever seen a TV reporter do, Way to go Victor!

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