Former Abused Shelter Dog In Michigan Saves A 3 Year Old Girl Left Alone In A Field
Once abused, this sweet dog not only found but saved a child's life!
Peanut arrived at the Delta Animal Shelter, in the U.P. about a year ago in bad shape. The dog had broken legs, broken ribs and a belly not filled with food but carpet. The rescue cared for the pup and found the animal a safe, good home.
Flash forward to the present. The Detroit Free Press reported that a detailed letter was received from the new owners family detailing an amazing story. In the letter the woman said woman Peanut was...
"going crazy" one morning at the family's house, "running up and down the stairs barking and yelping." The woman says her husband took Peanut outside, where she started "barreling" into the field behind their house at full speed.
There, the man found the 3-year-old girl alone and curled up in a ball, naked and shivering."
Her husband wrapped the child in his sweatshirt, and carried into the families home. He called 911 and when the authorities came to help, all the little girl could say was "doggie"...wow...
The Delta County Sheriff's Office said the story is true and...
"they found the parents nearby in a residence with “unsafe and unsanitary living conditions.”
The girl and another young girl were removed from the home. Prosecutors are reviewing the case."
I think the end of the letter was perfectly written...
"Thanks to Peanut, a little girls life was saved today," the woman wrote. "She has been such a blessing to us, and now to others. Words cannot express how grateful we are that we have Peanut in our lives and how amazing she is. She is a part of our family now and thanks to wonderful people like you at the shelter, she is alive. Without her, not only would she have been gone from this world, but the life of this little girl might have been taken as well."
Never underestimate the passion and power of an animal; especially one that knows how hard life can be.
Thank you Peanut, Peanut's forever family and the Delta Animal Shelter!
Don't forget to check out the dog or cat of the week that is currently being cared for by the SPCA! Heck, maybe a Peanut is waiting their for you!
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