Detroit Firefighters Receive 300 Pet Oxygen Mask Kits
Detroit Firefighters are given the tools they need to save lives.
Recently, Detroit Firefighters saved 15 of 17 dogs that were trapped in a house fire. After the tragedy, first responders reacted to the limited amount of specialty equipment for animal rescues that the firefighters are supplied. The item that the heroes were in need of are pet oxygen masks, and thanks to the community, they got them!
According to the Detroit Free Press...
Local groups and companies mobilized to donate close to 300 pet oxygen mask kits — containing the 800-plus masks.
Patti Kukula, who heads up the Detroit Public Safety Foundation, told the press...
the donated masks are crucial to saving dogs and cats from fires.
In fact, according to Projectpawsalive.org...
An estimated 500,000 pets are affected annually by fires. 40,000 pets die each year, mostly from smoke inhalation.
The reason is simple, we as humans run from building fires where an animal will hide and stay put, placing them in extreme danger. I was wondering why an oxygen mask for a human would not be good enough for a pet and projectpawsalive.org explained how the specialty mask works.
Pet Oxygen Masks are coned shaped with a rubber seal at the base to allow a snug fit. This is important because it forces the mouth shut to deliver air directly into the nostrils. Offering a continuous and accurate direct flow of pure oxygen. This makes recovery quicker and more effective.
I truly believe that our firefighters, along with police and military should have everything they need to do their jobs and keep themselves safe.
What an incredible donation to the teams of men and women that risk their lives to save ours and our families, including our fur babies!
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