Barry County, Michigan Tragedy: Seven Yr Old Dies in Bulldozer Mishap
An unfathomable tragedy in Barry County on Thursday afternoon as a seven year old boy was killed in what Michigan State Police believe is an accidental death.
According to the Michigan State Police, the seven year old and his father were working with heavy machinery in a field near their home in Maple Grove Township in Barry County. The boy was riding on a trailer being pulled by the bulldozer. Somehow, the boy fell from the trailer and was the run over, by the bulldozer. He was pronounced dead at the scene. The MSP says it is not believed drugs or alcohol were a factor. Authorities are withholding the names of individuals involved at this time. The incident remains pending under further investigation.
This tragedy comes just a week after a worker was run over by a tractor in Sanilac County. In that incident, one worker was driving a loader tractor and hit another worker who was walking along a driveway.

Michigan has experienced several similar incidents in the past two years. In 2020, a Huron County man and his grandson were returning from wood cutting and riding a tractor along a muddy ditch, when the tractor tipped, trapping both the man and his 18-year old grandson, who died from the weight on the vehicle pinning him down.
And in August of last year, a man in Isabella County was run over by a bulldozer that went back into gear and out of control after he had jumped off of it.
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