5 Reason That Being Single Rocks
Turn that frown upside down and embrace being single in Kalamazoo.
The holidays tend to be an emotionally hard time for single people. Maybe it is the bad made for TV Christmas specials were a lonely girl falls in love on Christmas eve. Or the photos you see on face books of friends in a relationship walking hand in hand down Candy Cane Lane (puke). Whatever causes you to feel sad because you are alone this time of year, let it go! Just think, you can spend the holiday time with your family (no shuffling around when you are over tired and can't stand the thought pf spending time with the in-laws). Or, attending your partners work holiday party (those are usually pretty long boring nights). You can curl up and watch the snow fall in your comfy ripped up PJ's, plus check out this information on how great it is to be single. Higher Perspective had a number of reasons why being single is AWESOME! If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself...
1. You get to recharge.
It can be mentally exhausting to be constantly connected with others. Alone time lets you take an emotional break and recharge.
2. You get to know your own emotions.
Being alone can give you a better perspective of your own emotions. You'll get a better idea of what makes you sad, what upsets you, and what makes you happy. Once you know these things, it becomes a lot easier to regulate yourself.
3. You'll begin doing things you're actually interested in.
Usually, the things you want most, are not always what the group wants. Being along gives you the freedom to do what you truly want to do.
4. You'll be far more productive.
Oftentimes, the presence of other people merely distracts you from getting things done. Alone time is when you're most productive. Less distractions.
5. You'll become more independent.
If you enjoy being alone, you'll feel more confident in your actual ability to be alone. Which in turn, will naturally make you more independent. You won't feel a burning desire for company, or anxiety from being alone.
So take a minute and realize how lucky you are to be single in an amazing town l;like Kalamazoo! Catch a show at the State Theater, meet friends for a beer at Bell's, whatever you do, just enjoy your lovely freedom.
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