Yes, they're making progress, but that doesn't mean there won't be pain in the final stretch of construction on the Portage Road - Kilgore Road - I-94 Interchange project.
Like every construction project in Michigan, it always seems to take too long. The Interstate 94 at Portage/Kilgore Road interchange is no different. But beginning this weekend we might begin to start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.
The Kalamazoo City Commission approved funding for a project to redo Stadium Drive between Howard and Lovell in Kalamazoo. That's already underway. And there more big projects this year, too.
A crossing guard at Moorsbridge Elementary School in Portage, Michigan was seriously injured. after being hit by a car. School says man is in stable condition.
The Michigan Dept. of Transportation (M-DOT) will begin re-paving the westbound lanes of Interstate 94 from Exit 88 (40th St.) all the way to Exit 80 (Sprinkle Rd.)
The Michigan Department of Transportation has produced at new episode oft their "Reality Check" series, that it hopes to dispel myths about road related items.
You would think by this time in October, we'd be out of the woods, so to speak, but another major traffic nightmare is coming next week to the east side of downtown Kalamazoo.
UPDATE: The Michigan Dept. of Transportation sent out an urgent notice stating the railroad crossing repairs slated to start Monday have been delayed by a week.