Breath-Taking Photos of a Million Dollar Paw Paw Mansion for SaleBreath-Taking Photos of a Million Dollar Paw Paw Mansion for SaleThis 5,400 square foot mansion has two incredible kitchens and a killer view. Check out these pics.Dana MarshallDana Marshall
Take a Tour: Kalamazoo Mansion Includes Indoor Volleyball CourtTake a Tour: Kalamazoo Mansion Includes Indoor Volleyball CourtCurrently for sale in Kalamazoo, this mansion made space for an indoor volleyball court too! Check it out. Chelsea RoseChelsea Rose
This Michigan Home is Straight Out of the Board Game Clue – And You Can Stay There!This Michigan Home is Straight Out of the Board Game Clue – And You Can Stay There!No longer a private residence, it's now a bed and breakfast, which means you can spend the night.Stefani BishopStefani Bishop