Johnny Lang has finally put his memories and the special bond he shared with Elvis Presley for two years onto paper. The book is called 'My Army Days with Elvis: Friendship Football & Follies,' and it not only gives you a sneak peek into the man Elvis was but more importantly, the friend he was.
It's possible that Elvis Presley was seen in Kalamazoo, but rumors of him staying in the KZoo State Hospital's Water Tower may have been exaggerated, and started by the hospital's supervisor at the time.
One special gift dealt to him was a coincidence of being drafted at the same time with Elvis Presley in the Army, which led to a long time friendship, as Johnny spent the better part of 2 years with Elvis and his crew. In that time Johnny really got to know who the man Elvis Aaron Presley truly was, as they grew really close
What's up good people? I'm Mark Frankhouse and this past week I began Mid Days at KFR, for fate has brought me to Kalamazoo and I couldn't be any happier.