Should Michigan Be The Next State To Pass Puppy Mill Law?
California is the first state to take a strong stand against puppy mills. Should Michigan be next?
In the state of California it is now illegal for pet stores to sell dogs, cats and rabbits that are not rescues according to The New York Times,
The law targets the controversial breeding facilities known as puppy mills or kitten factories, which often operate with little or no oversight and “house animals in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions without adequate food, water, socialization or veterinary care,” according to a fact sheet for the legislation, A.B. 485.
The practice of "puppy mills" is also a major cause of over population of dog and cats. Michigan has recently taken a step in the right direction as then Governor blocked a bill just before he left office according to thestate.com,
Snyder vetoed bills that would have regulated dog sales and restricted local bans on pet shops.
Katie Timber, Executive Director of the SPCA of Southwest Michigan had this to say,
I'd like to personally thank everyone who opposed the bill and fought the good fight for our furry family members. Dogs and puppies on the "production line" suffer diseases, genetic birth defects, inadequate socialization and care. No living thing should be exposed to this trauma. We hope to continue our work toward and for a humane and No-Kill Michigan.
Sure, the blocking of a bill that would have perpetuated puppy mills was good for the state of Michigan but is that enough? Following suit with California on this one could save the lives of MANY animals.
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