A Look Inside the Morrow Power Plant in Comstock Township
Take a look inside this giant power plant that was for sale last year for over $1 million.
This giant building with even taller silos is accompanied by the Morrow Dam just outside of Kalamazoo on the North side of I-94. The old Morrow Power Plant had been abandoned since the 1980s before it was listed for sale at $1.44 million.
The over 80-year-old power plant may be back in action as an agreement was recently approved for Consumer's Energy to purchase hydropower from the Morrow Dam. The contract term runs from Jan. 1, 2022, to May 31, 2027, according to Michigan.gov:
The Commission has approved a power purchase agreement (PPA) between Consumers Energy Co. and STS Hydropower LLC for the output of the Morrow Hydro Plant, an 800-kilowatt power generating facility on the Kalamazoo River in Kalamazoo County (Case No. U-20833).
Here are photos from inside and outside of the Morrow Power Plant when it was still an abandoned building back in Feb of 2021.
Abandoned Morrow Power Plant 2021
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