Kid Rock Is Being Sued By The Circus
When you think of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey I'm sure the last thing that comes to mind is suits, lawyers, and lawsuits. I remember growing up and going to the circus, amazed at how they managed to tame all these different animals. That was until I learned the truth about circuses.
Yet the fact remains, they've always been a family show. Now it seems that they are trying to protect their good name.
The circus, Feld Entertainment, filed a suit against Kid Rock and Live Nation last Friday, Dec. 22, in U.S. District Court's Middle District of Florida in Tampa. According to the suit, the plaintiffs have a problem with the use of their trademarked slogan and sent Kid Rock a cease and desist last month in November:
Last May, the 146-year-old circus performed its last live show but it still owns the trademark to the slogan. Ringling Bros. does license its trademark for use by other companies for a fee but it looks like Kid Rock couldn't work out a deal with them.
The lawsuit states that:
Throughout its history, Ringling Bros. has established an overarching image: wholesome, family-friendly entertainment, which is invaluable to its business. Defendants’ use of Ringling Bros.’ famous mark in connection with Kid Rock’s notorious performances laced with F-bombs and sexual innuendo tarnishes this family-oriented image and dilutes the mark.
It looks like Kid Rock just threw himself into the lion' den on this one.
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