Kalamazoo Pride 2018 Entertainment Lineup
Join us at Kalamazoo Pride 2018 on June 8th and 9th at the Arcadia Creek Festival Site.
Kalamazoo Pride is a weekend long celebration of diversity and loving who you are. There will be lots of family activities and entertainment.
6pm-7pm DJ Dazzleship
7pm-7:45pm Alise King
8pm-10:30pm: Miss Kalamazoo Pride Pageant
11pm-12am: Minor Element
2pm-3pm DJ Dazzleship
3pm-3:30pm Kalamazoo Choir Showcase
4pm-5pm The Dacia Bridges Project
5:30pm-6:30pm Brody Ray
6:50pm-7:40pm Lady Ace Boogie
8pm-9pm Meagan McNeal
9:20pm-10:20pm CatFight
10:40pm-11pm Sharon Needles
11:20pm-12:20am Sutton Lee Seymour and Cacaphony
At some point you will no doubt find Marshall & McGregor covered in glitter on stage Saturday afternoon.
Get you two-day passes in advance for $15 by clicking here. Otherwise, it will be $10 each day at the gate.