Michigan State University Has FINALLY Banned All Guns On Campus
Less than a year after a violent, and deadly firearms attack on the Michigan State University Campus, the school's Board of Trustees have officially (and FINALLY) voted to ban all firearms on campus.
It seems like a crazy amount of time passed before this became the rule, but at least, now, it is, and students can feel a little safer while on campus.

Before Friday's vote, the Board had banned all student, staff, and faculty from carrying firearms, regardless of whether they had a concealed Pistol License, or not. But an interpretation of the ordinance had allowed visitors to carry concealed firearms in public spaces on campus.
The new ruling will take out any language that could allow a firearm anywhere on campus.
The only exception, now, will be law enforcement, the Michigan State University Department of Police and Public Safety, and Public Safety Forces. People who have firearms store and secured in their vehicles while driving through campus will also be exempt.
The board said their decision to clarify, and update the ruling came after the mass shooting on February 13th, which killed three students, and left five more injured.
The campus organization Students Against Gun Violence has been advocating for a total gun ban for several years.
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