The cast of NBC comedy Brooklyn Nine-Ninealong with its showrunner Dan Goor, have collectively pooled $100,000 for the National Bail Fund Network. Actors Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer, Jorma Taccone, Stephanie Beatriz, Melissa Fumero, Terry Crews, Andre Braugher, Joe Lo Truglio, Dirk Blocker, and Joel McKinnon Miller are among those who contributed to the cause. Brooklyn Nine-Nine follows NYPD detective Jake Peralta (Samberg), who works in Brooklyn's fictional 99th Precinct. The show was co-created by Goor and Michael Schurboth of which had collaborated previously on Parks & Recreation.

Along with their donation, the cast of the police procedural comedy took to social media to share their thoughts on the protests surrounding the unjust death of George Floyd. In his Twitter post, Goor stated that he and the cast “support the many people who are protesting police brutality nationally”:

According to the organization’s official website, “The National Bail Fund Network is made up of over sixty community bail and bond funds across the country. We regularly update this listing of community bail funds that are freeing people by paying bail/bond and are also fighting to abolish the money bail system and pretrial detention.”

While Brooklyn Nine-Nine is oftentimes lighthearted and satirical, it looks like its cast and co-creator are taking this matter seriously. Maybe they’ll even incorporate issues of police brutality in their eighth season, for which they were renewed last November.

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