With the flu season right around the corner it is time to start taking care of yourself

I always save a few vacation days, just in case illness hits me. Yet, what I don't do so often is take care of myself on a regular bases during flu season. I believe in getting the flu shot (if you don't that's cool), and I take vitamin C a few times a week, but that is about it. I really want to stay healthy this winter so I looked into things I could do on Kidshealth.com. Then, I added a few ideas of my own...do they work? Not sure, they do comfort one emotionally though.

  1.  Get enough sleep
  2. Eating healthy foods (including five or more servings of fruits and veggies a day!)
  3. Eating Mom's homemade chicken noddle soup
  4. Getting regular exercise (and beer curls are not considered exercise)
  5. Drinking Vernors

Add a warm bath, a good book and a glass of wine...perfect!


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