In the new season of the show, they're diving back into Michigan waters, as a scuba diver goes into the Detroit River to dig up some dirt on the main focus of the show...The Mob.
Valentine's Day marks 94 years since seven men were violently gunned down in a parking garage in Chicago, but what does this have to do with St Joseph Michigan?
In 1924 William Herbert Lee 'Herb' McCourtie transformed his family’s 42-acre farm into a summer home, which would then se many lavish parties with interesting guests, as legend has it.
It's been said that Capone would come to Albion because it was low on the radar, offered privacy, and he was able to handle business with other mobsters here.
The sinking of Al Capone's party boat is like a glimpse of the past that offers so many wonders about his life and why he would be in Charlevoix, Michigan.