Matt Giraud Raising Money To Build Kalamazoo County Soup Kitchen
Feeding the homeless, hungry, elderly, disabled and veterans in Kalamazoo County, MI is Matt's goal.
Former American Idol contestant, WMU graduate and resident of Kalamazoo County has teamed up with CALTRAN, a Michigan based hunger relief charity according to a recent press release.
Former American Idol contestant Matt Giraud has launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise $3 million dollars to build and operate a soup kitchen in Kalamazoo. The facility will also operate a small fleet of food trucks (mobile soup kitchens) to feed homeless and hungry citizens in West Michigan on a weekly basis.
Can Matt Giraud raise $3 Million in Kalamazoo County? If any community can pull together for something like that it is Kalamazoo. You can donate and share the gofundme page by clicking here. You can also donate by mail:
c/o Matt Giraud Fights Hunger
P.O. Box 2632
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49003-2632
How will the money be used if this GoFundMe hits it's goal?
Your generous donation will be used to build and operate a commercial kitchen from which to dispatch food trucks (mobile food trucks) to provide free dinners to indigent, elderly and disabled county residents Monday through Friday. A small dining room will be available for the homeless and needy to enjoy their meals in a controlled environment.
With nearly 38,000 residents in need of food in Kalamazoo County, we wish Matt Giraud and CALTRAN the best of luck on this very important venture.