Kalamazoo City vs. Township: What’s the Difference?
Poking around Reddit, I found an interesting thread. The question is what's the difference between Kalamazoo - City versus Township?
Well, the obvious answer is, the boundaries on the map. City is City, Township is Township. Actually, Kalamazoo Township is three non-contiguous parcels of land on the map.
Commentor "WorldlyPhilosopher" says "They are different units of government and over time there have been differences in recycling (township was later to go single-stream) and garbage (choose your own providers in the city, one provider contracted by the township)." In an update comment, someone pointed out that the township now offer quarterly bulk trash collection, too.
But there are other differences. Police protection; the township has it's own police department. But in the Reddit thread, people pointed out other differences.
Commentor "redditisntreallyfe" goes straight to the bottom line, saying "Taxes". And two other people back that up, saying City taxes are higher than for those living in the township.
Another item that came up is snow plowing in the winter. A comment was made that the city plows with in a matter of hours and the assertion is, the township may take days in some cases.
Okcrooner says "In many residential areas of the City, you can park overnight, but which side of the street you can do it on alternates each day." And that comment led to another comment, "Oh goddd (sic) the memories of the Vine Neighborhood parking shuffle."
And here's the big one in recent years. Regardless, as long the student attends Kalamazoo Public Schools, they get the Kalamazoo Promise.
Is there anything in this thread that was overlooked? Oh, yeah, there's also Comstock Township, Cooper, and Oshtemo Township, but that would just make this confusing.

A Nearly Empty Kalamazoo
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