Kalamazoo Central High School Teacher Rex Hafer and the student "Link Crew" are teaming up to help the people of the Kzoo area with their food drive this Saturday. "KC Feeds Kzoo" is doing their part with the partnership of "Loaves & Fishes" to collect food and monetary donations on Saturday from 9 A.M. until 1 P.M. at Harding's Friendly Market on 5161 W. Main St.

The goal of the drive is to hit a grand total of 10,000 pounds of food donations. There, they will be loading a bus full trying to bring some good meals to the less fortunate families of Kalamazoo. Since 1982, Loaves & Fishes Food Bank have been doing their part to help out in times of need. This is a great opportunity for residents of Kalamazoo to come together for a great cause.

There are other collection sites you can donate to as well. All of the Theo & Stacy's restaurants, Anna's House on Stadium, and Gazelle Sports will also have a set up for you to contribute.  Students of Kalamazoo Central will also be going door to door in the Winchell, Westwood, and Arcadia neighborhoods.

All of the donations will go to Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes, who serves about 700 people per day and they say one in six Kalamazoo residents struggles with hunger every day. So if you're in the area stop by and help out for the best cause possible. I'll be swinging out there myself. Good Luck Kalamazoo Central.


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