Grand Rapids Offers Free Covid Testing. No Symptoms Required.
Covid has been the word of the year for 2020. Plenty of people have either dealt with it directly or have known someone who has contracted it. But, many still avoid testing either due to convenience or lack of funds. And I'm speaking strictly from personal experiences with friends and family.
Now, there are free testing sites available however, if you have no symptoms it may be difficult to make a reservation. As well, for those who don't have insurance I can understand the hesitation if costs may be involved.
If you're showing no symptoms but are concerned after recent contact with a positive case, you may want to take advantage of this. For one day, Grand Rapids is offering free Covid testing regardless of whether or not you have symptoms. According to KBJR 6, it's being held at Itasca Fair Grounds from 10am - 8pm on Wednesday, September 23rd.
The testing site will be a drive-thru. Testing is open to anyone - again you do not to be exhibiting symptoms. Tests will be free with no insurance required. However, you do need to register before testing is done.
Better to be safe than sorry, right? If you're interested in the free testing being offered you can register online here.

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