Breaking: KPS Closes KC, Two Middle Schools After More Threats
Kalamazoo Public School officials have closed three more schools today, including Kalamazoo Central High School, after more threats threatening harm were made.
Initially, late Sunday night, KPS announced Loy Norrix High School would be closed. Then early Monday morning, a second announcement was made that Kalamazoo Central, along with Hillside Middle School and Linden Grove Middle School would be closed, after more threats were posted on social media.
Here is the text of the KPS statement made just before 6am, Monday morning:
Kalamazoo Public Schools is closing Hillside Middle School, Linden Grove Middle School and Kalamazoo Central High School today, Nov. 11, in the wake of online posts threatening violence at the schools. The closure of Loy Norrix High School was announced late Sunday due to similar threats. Nkenge Bergan, director of student services for Kalamazoo Public Schools, made the announcement saying the safety and security of the district’s staff and students is very important. The threats to Hillside, Linden Grove and Kalamazoo Central appear to be copycat messages of threats that were made against Loy Norrix High School earlier in the day on Sunday. KPS is working with the Michigan State Police, Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety, and Kalamazoo Township Police Department to investigate the threats. Law enforcement agencies have not been able to track down the origins of the postings. As a precaution, the district has decided to close all four schools today, Monday, Nov. 11. The district will provide updated information as it becomes available.Members of the public are asked to share any information they have regarding these threats or who may have posted them with law enforcement officials.