Adult Prom Pics: Everyone Looked ‘Mah-velous’
The theme was the Golden Age of Hollywood and Saturday night's Adult Prom brought out the glamour and fun of the era, at the Radisson Plaza in Kalamazoo.
This was the third Adult Prom, which raises money for Talons Out, the local chapter of a national organization that's been flying World War II and Korean War veterans to see their memorials in Washington D.C. With the numbers of those applications dwindling, the group recently announced they have begun accepting applications for Vietnam War veterans. Amid the influx of the influx of those applications, Talons Out is dealing with sharply increased costs.
"When we started this endeavor five years ago, we could charter a 186 passenger plane at a cost of $52,000. Over the last five years, that number has increased to $93,000 for the same plane", said chapter President Bobbie Bradley.
At the prom was also a member sharing a memory of meeting a Marine who was involved in the iconic raising of the flag at Iwo Jima, maybe the most famous of Washington D.C., memorials That event occured on February 23rd, 1945, seventy four years to the day.