Marathons, earthquakes, yeah fine. But did you crash the wrong funeral?

Burning candle
Memorial service flowers and candle. (ThinkStock; Robert Hoetink)

Like everyone else, my fiancee Kathy and I had a busy weekend. The earthquake made it even a little more hectic. But we "knew" we had to stop at a memorial service at a local funeral home on Saturday. A friend's father had died and they were receiving guests from 2-4 p.m. on Saturday. Okay, we'll be there.

We rush down the highway as it's already 3:30 and get there at about a quarter to four. Kathy checks her lipstick, I make sure my shirt is tucked and pants are zipped and we go in.

The family name is one of six on the sign. The funeral director points to the left room. We go in. Over there is one of those photo montage boards. And I'm looking at all the great pictures and one thing jumps out at me. I've never seen any of these people. I don't recognize one face. So we start looking around the room which is probably three quarters full and nothing. The funeral director walks up to us and says "excuse me, but your service is NEXT Saturday." Ohhhh.

Never mind.


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