Mattawan To Host Community Easter Egg Hunt & Carnival
Spring is almost here believe it or not! Easter is one of my favorite holidays. It's still a little chilly but signs of good weather and sunshine start to peak out. Mattawan is particularly excited and are throwing an Easter Egg Hunt and Carnival as they describe on their event page:
Saturday April 13th, join the Mattawan Business Association and The Mattawan Lion's Club for a day of family fun! The Lion's Club is hosting the Community Carnival inside the Antwerp Activity Center from 10-2 with games for all ages, great raffle prizes, food, and Project Kidsight for vision screenings.
The Easter Egg Hunt will begin at 12:00 outside with egg hunting for kids ages 0-12 with great goodies in the eggs, plus a bounce house and photo booth.
The Easter Bunny will be at both events all day for pictures.
The Antwerp Activity Center is located at 24821 Front Ave, Mattawan, Michigan 49071. I'll be down there for sure so come say hi!