Unique Meteor Shower Will Be Visible Tonight
Stargazers are anticipating a great night sky in order to view the Orionid meteor shower, which will be in its peak this weekend.
What makes this shower so special is that every year, the Earth travels through the dust left behind from arguably the most famous comet, Halley's. Every meteor that will be visible during the shower was once part of the comet itself. Although it's not considered one of the most plentiful, it is one of the most reliable in that it should produce anywhere from 15 to 20 meteors per hour.
According to Accuweather, this year will be a rather good year for viewing the Orionids as the peak of the shower falls just days after the new moon. This means there will be minimal natural light pollution for the shower to compete with. Michigan falls within one of the best viewing sites in the country.
This video gives you all the info about hown to look for the shower. (Video VIA Tech Insider, YouTube)
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