My Son Got Obama. Rutgers Got Bon Jovi. Who Did You Get?
Most commencement addresses are long and boring. Dry. Once in a while, there are really good ones, funny ones, entertaining ones. But not often.
Graduation/commencement speeches have come a long way. Yes, you still get politicians and such, but comedians are doing them now. You know who's really great? Stephen Colbert (If you have a few minutes, enjoy Colbert at his alma mater, Northwestern).
I couldn't tell you who spoke at any of my graduations. The only famous one I attended early in my life was my cousin's at a small college in New Jersey. They got consumer advocate and one-time presidential candidate Ralph Nader. He was as exciting as his speaking voice. (Yawn)
Of course, the other side of that is, my son Michael's high school graduating class got the leader of the Free World, the President of the United States. Mike had a hand in making the winning video, and President Obama gave a really nice address.
This year, in New Jersey, that traditional Big Ten (the conference that can't count) school got favorite son Jon Bon Jovi. And he sang them a song.
Still, the best commencement address is the one that never was. Chicago Tribune columnist Mary Schmich wrote what was to be known as "Wear Sunscreen."