How Many UFOs Were Reported in Michigan This Year?How Many UFOs Were Reported in Michigan This Year?With increased aerial activity across the United States, how many of those UFOs were reported in Michigan this year?Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Locals Across Michigan Report Strange Lights in Night SkyLocals Across Michigan Report Strange Lights in Night SkyResidents across the state of Michigan report seeing strange lights in the night sky.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Is This Video Proof There Were Just UFOs In Michigan Night SkyIs This Video Proof There Were Just UFOs In Michigan Night SkyThe person who shot the video that you can see below didn’t exactly indicate where it was, but we know it was shot in Paw Paw in their backyard.Mark FrankhouseMark Frankhouse
Video Shows Apparent UFO Encounter Near Indiana Air Force BaseVideo Shows Apparent UFO Encounter Near Indiana Air Force BaseA TikTok user from Kokomo, Indiana captured strange lights above her home in October 2024.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Where Were You During West Michigan's 1994 UFO Encounter?Where Were You During West Michigan's 1994 UFO Encounter?Revisiting the unexplained events of March 8, 1994 in West Michigan and the 'Unsolved Mysteries' episode that followed.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
PHOTO: Flying Saucer Spotted In Indiana During Solar EclipsePHOTO: Flying Saucer Spotted In Indiana During Solar EclipseNo, the photograph was not photoshopped, it was taken off I-465Mark FrankhouseMark Frankhouse
Michigan 2024: Have Many UFOs Have Been Reported This Year?Michigan 2024: Have Many UFOs Have Been Reported This Year?With 135 sightings reported in 2023, how many UFO sightings have been reported in Michigan so far in 2024?Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Here's How Many UFO Sightings Michiganders Reported In 2023Here's How Many UFO Sightings Michiganders Reported In 2023The number of UFO/UAP sightings in Michigan increased for 2023 as compared to 2022.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Indiana People Confuse Spotlights for Angels Flying Over ChurchIndiana People Confuse Spotlights for Angels Flying Over ChurchDid the good people of Muncie, Indiana see angels or something a little more down to earth in this viral video?Dana MarshallDana Marshall
Orbs Spotted Over Indiana and the Midwest-- Now Allegan, MI Too?Orbs Spotted Over Indiana and the Midwest-- Now Allegan, MI Too?Weird orbs of light have been spotted across Kentucky, Indiana, and the Midwest. Now, possible UAP reports are coming from Allegan, Michigan.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon