One of MI's Main Highways Shutting Down Until 2027 In SpringOne of MI's Main Highways Shutting Down Until 2027 In SpringThis closure will last until late 2027 as part of the final phase of the sweeping 'Restore the Reuther' project. Mark FrankhouseMark Frankhouse
What Are Michigan's Summer Gas Laws, and How Does It Affect You?What Are Michigan's Summer Gas Laws, and How Does It Affect You?Turns out, it might actually be better for the environment, AND for gas mileage.MeatballMeatball
Michigan Featured On Upcoming Episode of HGTV's 'House Hunters'Michigan Featured On Upcoming Episode of HGTV's 'House Hunters'A Michigan man in Oakland County will be featured on an upcoming episode of HGTV's "House Hunters."Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Oakland University Just Won Their First Ever NCAA Tournament GameOakland University Just Won Their First Ever NCAA Tournament Game"We're Not a Cinderella"MeatballMeatball
Michigan’s Oldest, Still-Operating RestaurantMichigan’s Oldest, Still-Operating RestaurantThis landmark Michigan eatery hit its 193rd birthday in 2024...and still operating...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Michigan Suburb Named One of Nation's Top-10 Most AffordableMichigan Suburb Named One of Nation's Top-10 Most AffordableIf suburban living is for you, you may want to check out this city.Jacob HarrisonJacob Harrison
Take a Look at Bob Seger’s Massive Home in Oakland County, MichiganTake a Look at Bob Seger’s Massive Home in Oakland County, MichiganFrom a small Ann Arbor house squeezed between two larger ones, to a grand Michigan mansion. See for yourself...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Birds Around Great Lakes Were Frozen To The Ground During StormBirds Around Great Lakes Were Frozen To The Ground During StormThese birds were in the wrong place as temperatures across the Great Lakes plummeted to sub-zero temperatures.MeatballMeatball
13 Cars Stolen From Flint Car Dealership By Roughly 30 Vandals13 Cars Stolen From Flint Car Dealership By Roughly 30 VandalsAn article written by Microsoft News explains how thirteen cars were stolen from a dealership in Flint Michigan on Monday, November 14th.Da'Jzon HughesDa'Jzon Hughes
1950's Michigan Soldier Lost At War in North Korea1950's Michigan Soldier Lost At War in North Koreaultimately his family will never know anything more than he didn't die, isn't a prisoner of war, but he never returned to America.Da'Jzon HughesDa'Jzon Hughes