Professional Michigan ass-kisser John U. Bacon has published a series of anonymous Michigan employees' firsthand accounts of MSU players' and coaches' conduct, and it's awfully transparent.
An LA-based lawyer retained by one of the suspended MSU players says eyewitness reporting proves a Michigan player started the fight in the Big House tunnel by swinging a helmet and throwing a punch first.
Somehow, after a brutal start to the season, MSU's defense has made significant progress and continues to improve. Has that earned Hazelton another season in charge of the Spartans' defense?
Harbaugh, as well as Michigan fans and media (which are often one and the same), are holding MSU players involved in the tunnel fight to a higher standard than that of Howard and Schembechler. What a shock.
Over the last half-century, the team that wins this one particular statistical category in the annual rivalry game has emerged victorious nearly 90 percent of the time. But just how predictive is it?
So when WMU Broncos Head Coach Tim Lester brought in Jeff Thorne to be his new offensive coordinator, he had to know about the season opener, this Friday night.