Chris and Tim Bachman spent the weekend in the Upper Peninsula and using their own homemade spinners, placed high the annual Michigan Trout Addicts fishing tournament which was held across Michigan.
We all know William Shakespeare, the infamous author of such amazing works of art and was widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. He produced legendary tales such as "Hamlet", "The Taming Of The Shrew", "Romeo & Juliet" and "A Mid-Summer Night's Dream.
Compare a fishing boat with a dead motor stuck in the channel used by the Great Lakes freighter like having your car die on railroad tracks. The train can't stop on a dime in the same way a big boat can not either.
That's the situation a group fishing in the Detroit River found themselves in recently.
Portage's 5th annual Family Fishing Fair was a big, popular success, attracting hundreds of families to Ramona Park this past Saturday morning, and introducing many youngsters to the fun of fishing and more.