Michigan Man Turns Friend In For $20,000Michigan Man Turns Friend In For $20,000His friend saw the news and that there was a $20,000 reward for turning them in as well. Da'Jzon HughesDa'Jzon Hughes
Walmart Draws The Line On SmokingWalmart Draws The Line On SmokingWalmart wants young adults to quit a dirty habit Heather McGregorHeather McGregor
A Chunk of KFR History Is Coming Down – The Electric Ave/Video Hits Plus BldgA Chunk of KFR History Is Coming Down – The Electric Ave/Video Hits Plus BldgA chuck of KFR history is in the process of coming down. Anyone who went to Western or rented a video or who partied at Electric Avenue probably has some (possibly fuzzy) memories of the corner of West Michigan and Howard Sts.Dave BensonDave Benson