Check Out These Dog-Friendly Cideries & Wineries in Southwest MICheck Out These Dog-Friendly Cideries & Wineries in Southwest MIAdd these dog-friendly cider houses and wineries in Southwest Michigan to your fall bucket list.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Timeless Charm: Dexter's 138 y/o Cider Mill is Michigan's OldestTimeless Charm: Dexter's 138 y/o Cider Mill is Michigan's OldestFor 137 years, this cider mill in Dexter, Michigan has been serving up all those delicious flavors of fall. Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Dog-Friendly Cider Mill in Southwest Michigan? Here Are 3!Dog-Friendly Cider Mill in Southwest Michigan? Here Are 3!With fall weather right around the corner here are at least 3 dog-friendly cider mills to visit in southwest Michigan.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
3 Dog-Friendly Cider Mills To Visit in Southwest Michigan3 Dog-Friendly Cider Mills To Visit in Southwest MichiganFall fun in Michigan includes a visit to the apple orchard and cider mill. Here are 3 dog-friendly cider mills to visit throughout the area including Fennville, Three Rivers, and Kalamazoo.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
The Fall Essentials - 5 Local Spots to Visit if You Love CiderThe Fall Essentials - 5 Local Spots to Visit if You Love CiderThe top 5 best local cider mills to visit this fall. Chelsea RoseChelsea Rose