Cash Code DaydreamingCash Code DaydreamingAs you probably know by now, 103.3 KFR has brought back the Cash Code game and if you win, you win $1000. Here's three things, two of which are fun, that you could do easily with a $1000 budget.Dave BensonDave Benson
Is 103.3 KFR Off The Air?Is 103.3 KFR Off The Air?Why do you hear static and how can you listen to 103.3 KFR when this kind of thing happens? I have answers below.Dana MarshallDana Marshall
The KFR Cash Code Is Back!The KFR Cash Code Is Back!103.3 KFR is doing some insane Spring cleaning...of our bank account. We haven't given away this much money in years!Dana MarshallDana Marshall