Not everybody can afford or has the high intellect to make it to a major university, and there is no shame in that. I got my degree at a trade school and personally, I would suggest that everybody wait to know what they really want to do before feeling pressured to jump right into a university. Then again there are community colleges and a lot of great ones offer.

Lots of different programs to help you succeed and get a career. Public two-year higher education institutions have a lot to offer, including undergrad programs like associate degrees certificates, or diplomas. Many people prefer the community college atmosphere as opposed to a major university.
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With there being so many great community colleges throughout the country just which one is the best for you or your kid? That can all depend on where you are at but for any parent or kid who is going to be having a kid in college in 2025, Niche has compiled a list of the top 5 Community Colleges in Michigan, and number one is right here in Southwest Michigan.
They break down their rating scale, like a report card, and give professors, diversity, student life, value, safety, location, and an overall grade to determine who is the number one school.
Let us know if you've attended or gone to any of these schools, as much of the feedback I've gotten about the #1 school has been very positive, which shows me they pretty much nailed it with the list.

These Are The Top 5 Michigan Community Colleges To Apply For In 2025

They break down their rating scale, like a report card, and give professors, diversity, student life, value, safety, location, and an overall grade to determine who is the number one school.

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