Get ready to see a lot of faces with that "enough already" look. But if you're into pirates and stuff, Michigan is full of pirate history.

September 19th is the annual "Talk Like A Pirate" Day.  So start practicing the two most important letters in a pirate's vocabulary. :"R" (Arrrr) and "I" (ayyyyye).

Here's something that made me laugh. We use Getty Images for some of our images. And when you go looking for a picture or an image, there's usually a date. The one here of Blackbeard lists its date at January 2, 1754. Arrrr, now that's an arrrrrchive.

It's fair to say that Talk Like a Pirate isn't the celebration it once was, but you can still find some glimmers of hope that it can return to its past glory. Arcadia Ales has its limited release Shipwreck Porter on Sept. 19th. (And if you dress up like a pirate, you get a buck, as in buccaneer, off)

Okay, here's the Michigan pirate history thing. Pure Michigan has a bunch of Michigan pirate-related stuff. You can read all about James Jesse Strang (no, not Jesse James),Calico Jack, and Dan Seavey was alive a recently as 68 years ago.

But, back to the talking like a pirate thing...There's some knowledge you need to be successful at talking like a pirate. There's a right way and a wrong way to do it.

Now I believe the letter "R" is most fun, but these two mateys have some sobering news for all of us. (Sobering? Ha!)

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day, y'all.


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