It's the Holiday Season and that means hanging out with family.  Some people love it and other people hate it.  Today we wanted to know about the people who hate hanging out with family!

Who are you NOT excited to see for the Holiday and why?

  • #tqoftd for Tuesday I'm not looking forward to seeing my dad's girlfriend. My parents are swingers and he expects me to treat her like one of the family. I wouldn't mind so much if she didn't start political arguments and hit on my fiance.
  • Text Question of the day.. I am not excited to see my gluttonous self-grow a food baby and waddle myself to the couch. ?????? YUMMM I'm excited this year.
  • Spending it with great people. Love you guys?
  • Not excited to see my cousin who insists on hugging for an uncomfortable amount of time. At least he doesn't kiss all of us anymore like he used to...
  • My younger sister and her husband bc she backstabbed me always has thinks she's better than everyone else bc she married into money
  • My mom's side of the family... Bunch of homeschooled holier than thou prudes! No thanks to you judgy monkeys!!!
  • My brother. He's been in and out of our lives so much that he's more like a stranger. Lazy moocher.
  • I don't like my relatives much at all, and visa-versa. I spend my holidays with my woman. Christmas is, has, n will be my albatross. Last time I ever saw my dad was C. Eve at age 3. I can still recall what he wore n smelled like. He smelled like cigarettes n grease.
  • My girlfriend's parents. We have been dating for a while now and this will be the first time I meet them. My fear is that she has painted a picture of me that I may not live up to? Super nervous!
  • Tqotd- not looking forward to seeing my husband's cousin. He's such an idiot!! He also starts drama, especially with his dad (husband's Uncle). They are all coming to my parent's house and I'm really afraid a scene will be made. Ugh!
  • Literally everyone. I just want to sleep and eat and only wake up to eat again lol
  • I'm not excited to see my grandma. Every time she's around my mom turns into a bitch. My family isn't perfect but around my grandma, my mom makes it that way so it just turns awkward
  • I love my sister, but she's really fake. All smiles with a smart mouth! She's tried to play mom to me, n now that's why I avoid her n her bullcrap.
  • Ha!!! My husband and I have decided to have a Friends-giving. We are avoiding his sister like the plague. She is a textbook sociopathic narcissist. She is always the victim, never has anything nice or kind to say and talks horribly about her "friends" and family to each other that they have all walked away from her; even her second husband of just over a year. Christmas will be enough visitation, tolerance, and a patience tester for the year ????????
  • #TQOTD I'm not looking forward to seeing my nephews mother. Everywhere she goes she has to bring her dog. And it's not a little dog or a therapy dog. It's an English Golden Retriever. She lives 20 minutes away so it's not like she can't leave him at home. If she doesn't come my nephews won't come, so it's kind of a deal breaker.
  • We're not seeing anyone this year. My parents are gone, our family is all on the East Coast and we're not able to see friends. It makes me sad that all these listeners are whining about the people they still have in their lives.
  • TQOTD: the person I dread seeing the most is my mother. Let's just say she is like a little kid, always wanting stuff to go her way.
  • I'm not excited to see my husband's grandma. She is the rudest, most needy, beeotchy person I've ever met. She should not have the title grandma.
  • My mother-in-law she always has something to BITCH about because my wife and i are doing well and taking vacations and buying things for our son uggggg lol
  • I'm not looking forward to seeing my brother in law- he's a real boosh. Judges everything I do. BUT I'm looking forward to seeing the bottom of that bottle of wine that'll help me get through it! ;)
  • I'm not looking forward to seeing my dads entire family, minus a couple cousins, my dad is in prison, and everyone buys into his LIES and manipulation about how he's this changed person, but he's always been a liar!
  • My sister in law (husband's sister). She's the worst, she's always negative. And she is SO rude, and her kids are so whiny. I feel bad, I try to like her but then she talks and I'm like.... Seriously?!
  • Not that I don't want to see anyone this Thanksgiving but I'm not excited about spending time with my mother and husband being in the same room, they don't get along at all
  • #tqotd my brother and sister in law because are two of the fakest bitches around and still 3 years later act like they didn't tell my wife not to marry me!!!
  • My step dad's family....He passed away in 2008 and they disowned my mom and I after but it would give me so much anxiety before going. Since I was a stepkid, I was legit treated like Cinderella but didn't get a happily ever after to leave my stepfamily. I was instead kicked out buttttt I am married now and have the best in-laws ever. And if they ever called me to come, it would be a strong NO!
  • My pig brother-in-law because none of us like him because he treats my sister like??. He makes me want to puke! ???????? I will need to bring lots of wine?????????
  • My alcoholic older cousin Who called me childish and immature for calling her out for talking a picture of a larger women in one piece bathing suit at a pool and putting it on Facebook because "she was too fat to be there" it got into a huge fight where she removed me from Facebook now she's lost her job for being an alcoholic has a failed marriage and has a worse job then I do and I don't even feel sorry for her ??????
  • The Mother in law. We are going to her house for a too early in the day dinner. The timing is because of their responsibilities but she's playing it that it's because we have other places we really want to go. The passive aggressive shared posts on Facebook are a bit much. Can't wait. Not.
  • I am least excited to see my step sister and her 5 kids because EVEN THOUGH HER KIDS ARE WAY YOUNGER THAN ME they always have things to say about how short I am. I've tried to stop it, but then my stepsister tells me not to parent her children for her. Thanks for having the therapist on the show this morning. Really helped
  • The person I am driving this holiday season is my brothers stick figure girlfriend with hair who smokes way too many left-handed cigarettes and things everybody should quit your job and live in a hippie colony she stressful
  • She's an alcoholic and she is rude. We can't stand her and I try to invite her to as few family functions as possible
  • I am soooo not looking forward to seeing my older sister for the holidays. I cannot stand her. She steals narcotic pills, she's incredibly narcissistic,
  • My grandpa passed away a couple weeks ago. I'm praying his gold-digging girlfriend doesn't show up to Thanksgiving. I'm still mad about her lack of appearance at the funeral
  • My dad...I am recently engaged and I have heard him talk crap about us getting married even though he gave my fiancé his approval. He says he doesn't believe in marriage even though he is currently married in a bad relationship and a divorce
  • My stepmom who claims she is also a celiac but then says Thanksgiving is her cheat day and eats 8 rolls and tries to feed them to me too.
  • I'm not excited bout seeing my trailer trash coworker on Thanksg iving. She stares at me while I'm working with her mouth hanging open. She also walks around with her butt hanging out!! PULL UP YOUR FROGGING PANTS. ??
  • My brother in law he wears a 60 30 pants he spends his days bossing my sister in law around. Her main existence is to take care of his every need. High maintenance dude. He is a blob of not very niceness.
  • I don't wanna see my step dads niece... she is a weird one... She thinks she part cat, and wearing robotic cat ears and a tail that moves on its own, she meows RANDOMLY also... She thinks she can communicate with the dead. For example: last year during Thanksgiving dinner, she suddenly stops eating, stares out the window and after a few mins says "Dan wants to join" WE DONT KNOW A DAN!...In other words, that is who I do not look forward to seeing for the holidays
    My girlfriend family they like to ask questions and put me on the spot but her nana makes an amazing pie that's why I'm going. #LoveNanasPie #GetMeSomeOfNanasPie
  • I am not excited to see my fiance's Uncle Brian a little backstory on that is as my fiance and I have been together for 6 years and still every family get-together he calls me my fiance's blow up doll and only refers to me as that
  • Creepy uncle Bob... without a doubt he will give me a creepily long squeeze and go for that kiss on the lips
  • My husbands entire family. My sister in law attacked me at Christmas for telling my nephew to stop hitting my kids. My brother in law then tried to knock me down the stairs. Two days ago my father in law told my 10-year-old son that I need to get MY head out of my ass & make peace with her. My husband totally defends his family. I told him to choose, me or them & he said both....
  • My SIL. She's fake, a sleazy flirt and always blames others for everything while constantly playing the victim
  • I dread my husband's stepmom and sister. Every year they make us host because we have the "best space." But ad the night goes on they make poke fun at how obsessively clean my kitchen is. My sister in law even threw a fork on the floor one year just because she knew I'd pick it up. Yup,.... I hyperfocus on the house and food so I don't have to talk to them.
  • I am dreading my mother and stepfather coming into town and staying with me for a week not only because they nitpick everything about my house and move things around because I should have things set up the way they do in their house but then they will proceed to tell my kids and I why we need to move to South Carolina to be closer to them because we don't see them enough
  • My dad...I am recently engaged and I have heard him talk crap about us getting married even though he gave my fiancé his approval. He says he doesn't believe in marriage even though he is currently married in a bad relationship and a divorce.
  • The wife's family because they like watching sports and they know I hate watching sports
  • Not looking forward to seeing my sister-in-law. I have dealt with lots of infertility issues along with a miscarriage and I had a stillborn son at 38 weeks pregnant. My sister in law found out she was pregnant a few months ago and is acting like she is the first women to ever get pregnant and talks about how wonderful pregnancy is 24/7. She is super insensitive and it hurts big time ??
  • I'm not excited to see my step-grandma because the last time I saw her, last October, she called me a prostitute and slapped me before she left because I used to be a male exotic dancer.
  • The one I'm least excited to see is the turkey! He's never on time we always have to wait on him to arrive. He's 2 faced has a bright side and a dark side. When. Your first touch him it brings you Joy. But when he's gone you feel upset with yourself tired sometimes cranky lol
  • Hi Connie and fish and intern Steve, lol! Listen to you every morning on my route. Every year we have a family Xmas party and it's sad to say I'm not excited to see my grandmother. She was mentally abusive to me throughout my childhood because I remind her of my father. My mom and dad got married at 16 and was married 35 years, needless to say she hated my dad, and I'm just like my father, she projected her anger on me. Now till this day she acts like she never mentally abused me.
  • I am not ready to see my 9-month-old daughters father we legit just broke up a few days ago ugh
  • My mother-in-law. Every word that comes out of her mouth is a lie to get sympathy from others. She makes my husband and his brother out to be awful sons but they are not.
  • Don't wanna see my sister, she's a bitch & thinks she's better than anyone else.
  • My sister in law, she doesn't drive but wants us to take her everywhere. She complains about everything. And her idea of spending time with us is coming over and sitting on our couch playing on her phone. She lives out of state and normally only comes at Christmas, but this year she's coming for Thanksgiving and Christmas...
  • My future sister in law. I am vegan, and sometimes people ask me for recipes and how to veganize dishes. I'm happy to share my expertise, but the future in law ALWAYS jumps in and shares her limited knowledge on the subject. Bleep, you eat meat let me have this one!
  • I am not looking forward to seeing my aunt's husband (notice I don't call him uncle). I love my aunt and their kids, but he is the biggest a-hole I've ever met. So mean to his kids and always has to be a "big shot". Hate is a strong word, but I truly hate him.
  • Two people I'm not excited to see are one my sister she always want to act like she's in charge and everything has to be her way. The 2nd person is my mother in law because any time we are together as a family and you are trying to deal with the kids, she gets mad every time we discipline the kids for doing something when she's in the wrong. Happy holidays and enjoy family no matter if they drive you crazy
  • I am not looking forward to seeing my step-monster. Oh, wait, my Dad divorced that beast!
  • My sister in law. She didn't even show up for our wedding in September after she threw a big fit that she had gotten her invitation a week after everyone else.

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