
Is This is the Weirdest Town Name in Michigan?
Is This is the Weirdest Town Name in Michigan?
Is This is the Weirdest Town Name in Michigan?
A website called Zippia chose their single favorite out of each state. Beer Bottle Crossing, Idaho made the list, along with Accident, Maryland... Castle Danger, Minnesota.... and Okay, Oklahoma. But According to Zippia, the weirdest Michigan town name is...
World’s Most Identical Twins Even Share The Same Boyfriend
World’s Most Identical Twins Even Share The Same Boyfriend
World’s Most Identical Twins Even Share The Same Boyfriend
Australian twins Anna and Lucy DeCinque share everything, even a boyfriend. Now they're both trying to get pregnant with him - which feels like way too much sharing for a pair of siblings. That's somehow not even the weirdest part. One of the twins, Lucy, told Metro that if he kisses her sister, he will immediately kiss her right after...
This Goat Makes The Weirdest Noises
This Goat Makes The Weirdest Noises
This Goat Makes The Weirdest Noises
I guess our fascination with goat sounds isn't over. You might remember about a year or 2 ago all the videos that went viral of goats sounding like humans screaming? Well this one isn't really a goat sounding like a human, just sounding really weird...