Life hacks to have more time with your partner.

You’ve found your perfect partner. Your person. You love spending time together. Spending time with this person is the best way you can spend your moments on this planet. There is just one problem: you barely have the time to be together! Life gets busy. But you can hack it. Here are life hacks that get you more time with your partner according to

  • Photo By: Anna Gontarek-Janicka/ThinkStock
    Photo By: Anna Gontarek-Janicka/ThinkStock

    Social Invitations

    You don’t have to say yes to every social engagement you’re invited to. There is this fear in relationships that if we don’t say yes to every invite, that we’re becoming relationship hermits. Ask yourself how much it really means to the person who invited you if you go, and how much that person means to you. If the answer is, not much, to either of those questions, don’t go.

  • Photo By: Stephanie Swartz/ThinkStock
    Photo By: Stephanie Swartz/ThinkStock


    A lot of couples unwind with a bottle of wine or a few beers. The trouble is, sometimes you wake up the next day, realizing you don’t remember the really important things you spoke about the night before. It might sound tough at first, but practice having sober date nights.

  • Photo By: Serdarbayraktar/ThinkStock
    Photo By: Serdarbayraktar/ThinkStock

    Keeping Up

    Sometimes you might get several hours to hang with your partner, but you ended up watching TV because you didn’t think you had anything important to share. Keep a little calendar where you write down important events in your partner’s life. If he or she mentioned that next Thursday they are grabbing lunch during their break with an old college friend in town, write that down.

  • Photo By: kzenon/ ThinkStock
    Photo By: kzenon/ ThinkStock


    Cooking together is romantic to a point. After you’ve been living together for a while, cooking together just detracts from the real conversation. When you two do cook, cook enough for the next few days. You just bought yourself a couple of evenings where you can heat up leftovers, and start catching up sooner.

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