Maybe by 20130, we'll all look in the rear view mirror and laugh. Or....

The Detroit Lions are having another tough season. And adding insult to injury, Alex Trebek and Jeopardy to a shot at the Lions ineptitude.

Maybe the problem is, the Lions aren't particularly charming. The Chicago Cubs went 108 seasons between championships. (Every team is entitled to a bad century, right?) But they had the ball park, and cubs are lovable little bears.

The next team east of Detroit is Cleveland. And dear God, they've been awful. And they've suffered. The first Cleveland Browns were moved to Baltimore in the mid 90's by an owner who wasn't particularly good with money, and within 5 years won a Super Bowl as the Ravens. The new Browns have been a disaster with one bad decision after another. But, this season, there's hope with some rookies stepping up. And there's the "Dawg Pound", grown men wearing dog masks. That's cute. The only things the Lions can do to match that is fans with bags over their heads.

Sad Detroit Lions Fans
Stephen Brashear, Getty Images

61 years and counting. There's always next year.

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